College Management System In Source Code VERIFIED
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How to Build a College Management System in with Source Code
A college management system is a software application that helps to manage the various aspects of a college, such as student information, courses, fees, attendance, exams, results, etc. A college management system can also provide features such as online admission, online payment, online learning, etc.
In this article, we will show you how to build a simple college management system in using C# as the programming language and SQL Server as the database. We will also provide the source code for the project that you can download and modify according to your needs.
Requirements for the Project
To build this project, you will need the following tools and technologies:
Visual Studio 2019 or later
SQL Server 2019 or later Web Forms
Database Design
The first step is to design the database for the project. We will create a database named CollegeDB and four tables: Students, Courses, Fees, and Results. The tables will have the following structure:
Table NameColumn NameData TypeDescription
StudentsStudentIdintPrimary key, identity column
Namenvarchar(50)Name of the student
Emailnvarchar(50)Email address of the student
Passwordnvarchar(50)Password for login
CourseIdintForeign key, references Courses table
CoursesCourseIdintPrimary key, identity column
Namenvarchar(50)Name of the course
Feedecimal(18,2)Fee for the course
FeesFeeIdintPrimary key, identity column
StudentIdintForeign key, references Students table
Amount paid by the student
PaidDatedateDate of payment
ResultsResultIdintPrimary key, identity column
StudentIdintForeign key, references Students table
MarksintMarks obtained by the student
Gradenvarchar(10)Grade based on marks
ResultDatedateDate of result declaration
Web Forms Design
The next step is to design the web forms for the project. We will create four web forms: Login.aspx, Register.aspx, Dashboard.aspx, and Profile.aspx. The web forms will have the following layout:
Login.aspx: This form will allow the students to login with their email and password. It will also have a link to register a new account.
Register.aspx: This form will allow the students to register a new account with their name, email, password, and course. It will also have a link to login with an existing account.
Dashboard.aspx: This form will display the dashboard for the logged-in student. It will show the student's name, course, fee status, and result status. It will also have a link to edit the profile and logout.
Profile.aspx: This form will allow the student to edit their profile information, such as name, email, password, and course. It will also have a link to go back to the dashboard.
C# Code Logic
The final step is to write the C# code logic for the project. We will use the following classes and methods:
DBHelper.cs: This class will contain the methods to connect to the database and execute SQL queries.
Login.aspx.cs: This class will contain the methods to validate the login credentials and redirect to the dashboard or display an error message.
Register.aspx.cs: This class will contain the methods to validate the registration details and insert them into the database or display an error message.
Dashboard.aspx.cs: This class will contain the methods to retrieve and display the dashboard information from the database.
Profile.aspx.cs: This class will contain the methods to retrieve and update the profile information from the database or display an error message.
The source code for these classes and methods is available for download at this link:
Download Source Code
In this article, we have shown you how to build a simple college management system in using C# and SQL Server. We have also provided the source code for the project that you can download and modify according to your needs. We hope you find this article useful and informative. If you have any questions or feedback, please feel free to leave a comment below. ec8f644aee